Allt färre katoliker och arbetslösa

Läser det utmärkta nyhetsbrevet “Brasilinform Daily Briefing” från de senaste veckorna. Tänker att dessa siffror kan vara bra att ha:

24 augusti – Fler frikyrkliga och färre katoliker

“In 2009, according to the Social Policies Center of the Getúlio Vargas Foundation, 68.4% of Brazilian identified themselves as Catholics. This was down from 73.8% in 2003 and continued a trend that began in 1970 when 91.8% of Brazilians said they were Catholics. Moving in the opposite direction, the number of Brazilians calling themselves evangelicals rose from 17.9% in 2003 to 20.2% in 2009. In 1970, the total was only 5.2%.”

26 augusti – Arbetslösheten går ner ytterligare

“The unemployment rate in Brazil’s six largest metropolitan areas dropped to 6% in July, down from 6.2% in June. This was the lowest rate for July in the current IBGE statistical series which began in 2002. Belo Horizonte and Porto Alegre had the lowest rates in July, both at 4.7%. They were followed by Rio, 5%, Recife, 6.3% and São Paulo and Salvador, 9.8%. The average unemployment rate for the year in July was 6.3%, also a record low. The only negative statistic for the month was a 1.3% decline in industrial employment. The number of persons employed in the six cities was 22.4 million in July, up 0.4% from June and 2.1% higher than in July 2010. The average salary for the month was R$1,612,
up 2.2% from June and 4% year-on-year.”

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